Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to the Good Life ;)

A good life is when you’re having fun.

A good life is when you’re doing what you love instead of working.

A good life is when everything goes well.

A good life is despite the challenges that I face, I still manage to overcome them; and I become better in the process.

I could write so many things on what a good life is. But in the end, I personally think that life can only be good when one makes it good. I Like if Kim Jong Il thinks that a good life is running a country through the ground and towards the depths of hell, then that’s his cup of tea.

--but don’t get me wrong. I’m not one to say what a good life is, and what a good life isn’t. I’m only one of the millions, if not billions, of people who exist in this blue and green dot in the vastness of space. After all, anyone and everyone have their own version of what a good life is. Probably even children born into poverty have their own version of a good life.

Personally, I believe I’ve lived and still am living a good life. Even though my own flavor of a good life has its sour and spicy moments, I’ll always treasure the sweetest and the most flavorful moments. I’m not one to say what a good life really is, but right here, right now, in this very moment, even though I’m swamped neck-deep in school work, I believe I’m living a good life.

I am living a good life.

Plato’s concept and hate-love relationship with art is somewhat similar to the movie Equilibrium’s plot, wherein they have created a perfect society by completely removing any and every means of emotional expression because their society has mandated that every emotion that is expressed by humans through the arts are the reason why the societies before theirs have fallen.

The movie ends with the rebellion of one of their censors, realizing that it is art of expression is the one that makes them human, albeit the fact that it can deny them a perfect society. I personally feel that art should remain as free as allowable. It is a facet of human intellect, and allows us to not only share what one thinks, but also what one feels. This is achieved effectively by art.


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